Java components (Gradle)

This document describes the conventions and process used by the OME team for developing, maintaining and releasing its Java components using Gradle as their build system. The set of rules and procedures described below applies to all the submodules of as well as

See also

Java components (Maven)

Conventions and process for maintaining the OME Java Components using Maven


Source code and build system

The source code of the components is maintained under version control using Git and hosted on GitHub.

Gradle is the primary build system. The directory layout should follow the standard Maven layout i.e. in the case of a single-module project:

   workflows/     # GitHub actions workflow
   main/          # Component source

Additionally, a publish.gradle might exist allowing to declare some publishing tasks.

See also

Using Git


Server components follow Semantic Versioning i.e. given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,

  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and

  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

In between releases the version is bumped to the next SNAPSHOT version.

Code contributions should follow the guidelines highlighted in Code contributions.


All the release artifacts for the repositories listed above should be deployed to the OME Artifactory according to the process described in the next section.

Release process

To make a new component release, after merging all contributions, on the master branch, the version defined in build.gradle must be moved out of SNAPSHOT and set to the target version. Release notes described the major changes should also be added to

After committing the changes, a PGP-signed tag must be created for the released version using git tag -s:

$ git tag -s -m "Tag version x.y.z" vx.y.z

The version should then be set to the next SNAPSHOT version in build.gradle and the changes committed to the master branch.

Both the master branch as well as the tag must be pushed upstream:

$ git push origin master vx.y.z

This will trigger two GitHub Actions builds and the generated artifacts will be uploaded to the OME Artifactory. All builds from the master branch are expected to be snapshots and uploaded to the ome.snapshots repository. All tag builds are expected to be full releases and uploaded to the ome.releases repository.