OME Contributing Developer
Getting Started
Build and Release
Ansible roles development
Changing the schema
Continuous integration
Development of the OME Data Model
Editing the OME documentation
Jekyll-hosted websites
OME development tools
OME deployment tools
Bio-Formats release
C++ components (deprecated)
Java components (Gradle)
Java components (Maven)
OMERO.server release
OMERO.web release
Publish to PyPI
Testing scenarios
OME Contributing Developer
Build and Release
View page source
Build and Release
The following sections summarize the development and release processes followed by the OME team.
Ansible roles development
Changing the schema
Continuous integration
Development of the OME Data Model
Editing the OME documentation
Jekyll-hosted websites
OME development tools
OME deployment tools
Bio-Formats release
C++ components (deprecated)
Java components (Gradle)
Java components (Maven)
OMERO.server release
OMERO.web release
Publish to PyPI