Testing scenarios
- 1. Table of permissions - user set
- 2. Admin: Group/User Create
- 3. Admin: Group/User Edit
- 4. Annotate
- 5. Big Image Upgrade Testing Server
- 6. Browse/Filter/Preview
- 7. Bulk Annotations
- 8. Check Filepath (FS)
- 9. Client-server compatibility
- 10. Command line interface testing
- 11. Connection/Error Handling
- 12. Copy/Cut/Paste
- 13. Create
- 14. De-Annotate/Unlink
- 15. Delete
- 16. Delete Image and binary data Windows server
- 17. Delete ROI
- 18. Disk usage report
- 19. Download/Export/Downgrade
- 20. Edit
- 21. File Format Metadata Validation
- 22. General Release
- 23. Import As
- 24. Import CLI
- 25. Import DropBox
- 26. Importer Standalone
- 27. Import File Formats Testing
- 28. Import and Multigroups
- 29. Import (UI)
- 30. Insight as Plugin ImageJ/Fiji
- 31. Map Annotations
- 32. Mapr (web extension for IDR)
- 33. Memo file
- 34. Metadata Display
- 35. Move Data between Groups
- 36. Omero.data.dir Files
- 37. OMERO.downloader
- 38. OMERO.figure
- 39. OMERO.iviewer
- 40. OMERO.mtools
- 41. OMERO.searcher
- 42. Pixelservice
- 43. QA web application testing
- 44. Registering usage
- 45. Render - Insight
- 46. Render - Web
- 47. Reset password
- 48. ROI Insight
- 49. ROI Folders
- 50. ROI Web
- 51. Scripts Client
- 52. Search
- 53. Switch User
- 54. Share
- 55. Share security testing
- 56. Screen/Plate/Well
- 57. Stress Performance Testing
- 58. User/Group Manipulation
- 59. View Image
- 60. View Big Image
- 61. Virtual Microscope Testing
- 62. Web - light testing
- 63. Webtagging