60. View Big Image
To test in: Web, Insight
Purpose of the test is to check viewing/rendering of large images (tiles, bird’s eye features)
Open a large image.
Check that location in the bird’s eye view (the red square in the insert in the lower-right corner) corresponds with the image part shown in the main window [ViewBig001][ViewBig002].
Move the red square in the bird’s eye view by D&D and by clicking into the bird’s eye view.
Check the tile loading.
Modify the resolution level using slider on the left (Insight) [ViewBig004] or +, - signs on the left-hand side of the image (Web) [ViewBig005].
Check the tile loading.
Modify the resolution level using mousewheel (both Web and Insight). Note that at the moment, the behaviour is as expected only for Firefox on Mac OS X, in Safari and Chrome the mousewheel just scrolls the image up and down.
Modify rendering settings [ViewBig006].
Switch channels on / off
Change the min / max values in the image.
Note: The thumbnail will be updated only after the new settings are saved.
Save the new rendering settings, close the image and reopen.
Check that the rendering settings change is being respected.