12. Copy/Cut/Paste

To test in: Web, Insight

Purpose of the test is to check the Copy, Cut and Paste functionalities

Find suitable images here [TestingSet] or here [TestingTemplate]

Note that in Insight and Web, these commands are named as Copy-Link, Cut-Link and Paste-Link, in order to inform our users about the fact that this is not a deep copy.

  1. Copy/Cut & Paste by selecting the items & using right-click menu

    • Datasets between Projects

    • Images between Datasets

    • Big Images between Datasets

    • Plates between Screens

    • Refresh

    • Check that the data are in their destination and are displayed correctly

    • Check that the big image is displayed correctly in its destination

    • Check that the annotations on the copied objects are in the appropriate destinations

  2. Copy/Cut & Paste Images from Orphaned Images folder by selecting & using right-click menu

  3. Select images in a dataset and do Cut without Paste

    • Check that the images are in “Orphaned images” folder

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 using main menu (Edit > Copy-Link / Cut-Link / Paste-Link)

  5. Repeat steps 1 to 3 using icons (top of the Project harmonica pane in Insight)

    • Check the consistency of the main menu, icons and right-click menu

    • Check the consistency between Insight and Web

  6. Repeat steps 1 to 3 using Drag & Drop (i.e. Move within group)

  7. (For permissions testing only) go through steps 1 - 7 copying/moving other users’ objects (P/D/I/S/Plates) and pasting them into your Projects/Datasets/Screens/Plates.

  8. (For permissions testing only) go through steps 1 - 7 copying/moving your objects (P/D/I/S/Plates) and pasting them into other users’ Projects/Datasets/Screens/Plates.