43. QA web application testing
To test in: QA application, Web, Insight, Importer
Purpose of the test is to check the QA Web application functionality.
Go to https://qa.staging.openmicroscopy.org/, login and remove the date in the top row of boxes.
and select one QA feedback.Check that all data are displayed correctly.
Click on
New ticket
and selectTrac
in theSystem
menu.Check that the trac domain (the top item on the list) points to the test trac.
Check that you can create a ticket on the
Check that the new ticket form shows:
Check that you are the pre-selected owner of the ticket, but still you can change this by using the dropdown menu
Upload files.
log out
click send files
add your email address and select few files, click send
go to the newly created feedback and check if all data is displayed correctly, also ssh to
and cd into/opt/qa-filestore
- Check if files are saved in subfolders with names matching the feedback numbers.log in, check if all are displayed on the feedback page
Send feedback from Insight
open the file
of your Insight and, in case this is not done already (it might have been preset automatically), exchange the url on line 170 tohttps://qa.staging.openmicroscopy.org/qa/initial/
in the same file and, in case this is not done already (it might have been preset automatically), exchange the url on line 171 to
Save the changes in
and start InsightImport an image that will fail to import e.g.
[ImportUI014]Submit the error to the QA system using “Submit All” button in the right bottom corner [ImportUI015b].
Enter a valid e-mail address [ImportUI016]
Check that you received a notification e-mail.
Check that your email address, error message, and file links are all included on the QA webpage.
Send a reply comment to the QA webpage, include your email address and a message.
Log into the QA system as an administrator and confirm the comment was received.
Reply to the QA message, the message should appear in your email.
Finally, set the QA message status to “Closed” and save.
andThere will be no log, but you should be able to submit the files (as .zip) and exceptions.
Check that your submissions have arrived in the QA system
test_images_broken/volocity/3 Colour.acff
submit the .zip, consisting of the file AND log
submit the exceptions
Check that your submissions have arrived in the QA system
Go to
Help > Send feedback
, enter a valid email address and a test message and clickSend
Check that the feedback has arrived in the QA system
Add to it the ticket your created in step 4 clicking on
Add ticket
Cause an error in Insight and submit the error to QA and Check that the error is in the QA
Send feedback from Web
click onto your username in top-right corner
Dialog will open. Input a valid email and message and click
.Check that the feedback arrived in QA system.
Cause an error in Web - Tag a dataset in Web - Delete the dataset in Insihgt - Remove the tag in Web (click on the tag in right-hand pane and confirm yes in the dialog) - In Web, click onto the
sign to add new tag - Submittable error appearsSubmit the error and Check that you can see it in the QA
Submit a comment from Web and Check that you can see it in the QA
Send feedback from CLI
donwload a server from the CI and unzip
download files from
try to import these files into a CI server (e.g. trout) with following three options, replacing EMAIL with a valid email address. Use
test_images_broken/volocity/3 Colour.acff
for this:bin/omero import PATH_TO_FILE/FILENAME --report --email EMAIL --qa_baseurl=https://qa.staging.openmicroscopy.org/qa bin/omero import PATH_TO_FILE/FILENAME --report --upload --email EMAIL --qa_baseurl=https://qa.staging.openmicroscopy.org/qa bin/omero import PATH_TO_FILE/FILENAME --report --logs --email EMAIL --qa_baseurl=https://qa.staging.openmicroscopy.org/qa
Check that the feedback arrived in QA system (qa-staging)
Check that you received an email for every submission
Check that for
option, the error was submittedCheck that for
--report --upload
option, the file itself and the log were uploaded as a .zipCheck that for
--report --logs
option, the logs were submitted, not a .zip- Check that when you import
with --report --logs
option, you have no log (none is available) in the qa feedback, but you also have no NPE on the console output--report --upload
option, you have just the file uploaded (again, no log is available)
- Check that when you import
Older versions
repeat the point 6 sending feedback from older version of Insight (4.4 and 5.0 version)
repeat the point 7 sending feedback from older version of Web (4.4 and 5.0 version)
repeat the point 8 sending feedback from older version of CLI (4.4 and 5.0 version)
send feedback using http (additionally to the use of https)