35. Move Data between Groups
To test in: Web, Insight
Purpose of the test is to check the feature of moving the entities between groups
Move Dataset/Image between groups.[MoveData001:][MoveData002:][MoveData003][MoveData004]
Check that the Project/Dataset/Image Screen/Plate is no longer in the source group and has been moved to the target group. Put group to display if necessary-Insight [MoveData005]
Move a Project with Datasets and images
Check that the Project / Dataset and images are in the target group.
Move Screen/Plate
Move a Screen with Plate
Move an orphaned Plate
Check that the Screen/Plates are at the destination with all the ROIs/annotations as allowed by permissions, see the setup table for expected results
Move an Image (see here for choice of images [
])rich in metadata
with a ROI
with an annotation
large image
Check that the image is at the destination with all the ROIs/annotations as allowed by permissions, see the setup table for expected results
Targeted / non-targeted Move:
Move a Dataset / image / plate and
target the Move into a Project / Dataset / Screen
Check that the data are in the intended location
do not target the Move into a P/D/S
Check that the data are in the target group as orphaned Datasets / Images / plates
(Insight only) Move via D&D
Put at least 2 groups to display
Repeat steps 1, 2, 3 using Drag & Drop
Check that you get the Move warning [MoveData006:]
Click Yes in the warning window
Check that the objects are in their destination group
Find a multi-image fileset (= MIF, should be imported for you, but if not, for example
). Choose one image of the MIF only and try to Move it.NB: You cannot Move just a part of a MIF, you have to select the whole MIF or use “Move All” buton in order for the action to go through.
Check that the action does not proceed and a warning popup appears [MoveData007:, MoveData008:]
Click Move All button in the warning popup
Select a Project and Dataset in the destination group to Move the Dataset to
Check that the action proceeds now and the images are Moved to the target group
Check that in case the MIF was split between several Datasets in the original group, then
in Web, all the images of the MIF end up in the selected Dataset in target group
in Insight, the images of the MIF which were originally in the Dataset are in the selected Dataset, the other images are in Orphaned images [MoveData009:]
Repeat previous step, this time not choosing any Project and Dataset to Move the MIF to
Check that the MIF ends up in Orphaned folder in the target group
Choose all the images in the MIF and try to Move them.
Check that this time the Move action proceeds successfully [MoveData010:, MoveData011:].
Check that the MIF is in the destination group.
Create a new dataset (or use an existing one if available). Cut one of the images of the MIF and paste it into the newly created (or another existing) dataset. Select the original dataset (with all the MIF images minus one). Try to Move it.
Check that the action does not proceed [MoveData007:, MoveData008:]
Click “Move All” button and
choose a Project in the destination group to Move the Dataset to
Check that the Dataset is in the destination group and
in Web, all the images of the MIF end up in the moved Dataset
in Insight, the images of the MIF which were originally in the Dataset are in the moved Dataset, the other images are in Orphaned images folder in the target group [MoveData009:]
Repeat previous step, this time not choosing any Project to Move the Dataset to
Check that the Dataset ends up as orphaned in the target group, with the images arranged as described in previous step
Cut and paste the image you manipulated in the step 10 back into the original dataset -> the MIF should now be complete. Select the dataset with the complete MIF and try to Move it.
Check that this time the Move action proceeds successfully [MoveData010:, MoveData011:].