14. De-Annotate/Unlink
To test in: Web, Insight
Purpose of the test is to check the De-annotate (alias Unlink or Remove Annotations) functionality. This is another functionality than Delete (which is covered by a different scenario).
If you test work on others’ data (permissions) go first to Section 2: Work on others data
Section 1: Work on your data
Go to right-hand pane in Insight
Unlink tags
Unlink particular tags (left click - chose Unlink in Insight [DeAnnotateU001][DeAnnotateU002:], click on minus in Web to Remove)
Unlink all tags added by you/by others (minus sign at Tags in Insight only) [DeAnnotateU003]
Repeat step 2 on attachments (Web: choose minus sign to remove - not cross to delete) [DeAnnotateU004][DeAnnotateU005]
Remove image from a Dataset, Dataset from a Project, Plate from a Screen (Web only - icon in left-hand pane or right-click - Edit menu)
In case of image, Check that the image appears in the orphaned images in case it is not linked to other datasets.
In case of Dataset/Plate, Check that the Dataset/Plate appears as orphaned in the tree (not within any Project/Screen)
Select >3 annotated objects at once and repeat the steps 1 - 4.
Repeat step 5., this time select once-annotated (with one tag/file etc. attached) as well as multi-annotated (with more tags/files etc.) objects in you multi-selection.
Check that when you remove single tags/files from multi-selected images/datasets…, the remaining attachments remain intact
End of Section 1: Work on your own data
Section 2a: Work on other users’ data (permissions) - De-Annotate
Go through steps 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 in Section 1 unlinking annotations from other users’ P/D/I/Screens/Plates.
Go through steps 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 in Section 1 unlinking other users’ annotations from your P/D/I/Screens/Plates.
Section 2b: Work on other users’ data (permissions) - Unlink
Do step 4 in Section 1 removing your Images/Datasets/Plates from other users’ D/P/S.
Do step 4 in Section 1 removing other users’ Images/Datasets/Plates from
your Datasets/Projects/Screens
other users’ D/P/S