3. Admin: Group/User Edit

To test in: Web, Insight

Purpose of the test is to check the Editing and changing of Group/User as administrator or group owner

  1. Edit group [AdminGrUsEd001:][AdminGrUsEd002:][AdminGrUsEd003]

  2. Change name/description/permissions and Save

    • Check the parameters have been changed correctly

    • Check that when you have a Read-Annotate or Read-Write group, you can change the permissions to Read-Only or Private group if there are no annotations of objects by other users

    • Have a Read-Annotate and Read-Write group. Make sure one user in these groups annotates objects of another user (none of the users is Admin or Group Owner).

    • Check that when you try to downgrade the permissions to Read-Only or Private, the action will not proceed, and in both Web and Insight you get a informative warning message

  3. Add and remove users (=members)

    • using Edit group window (Web only) [AdminGrUsEd003]

    • using Edit group membership from right-click menu (Insight only) [AdminGrUsEd004]

    • Check that you can see and filter the users in the dialog [Edit Users dialog:].

    • using Copy/Cut and Paste from main menu (Insight only)

    • using Copy/Cut and Paste via icons & right-click (Insight only)

    • using Drag & Drop (Insight only)

    • Check the users have been added/removed to/from the groups

    • Check that when a user is a member of only one group, you cannot remove him/her from this group

  4. Edit user [AdminGrUsEd005][AdminGrUsEd006:][AdminGrUsEd007:]

    • change Name/Password/Status (Insight)

    • change Names/e-mail/Institution/Status (Web - at present no Group Owner option)

    • Check that you cannot change the login name (Insight - in Web you can)

    • Save changes

    • Check the changes have been made appropriately

  5. Login as group owner without admin rights (e.g. user-5 in read-annotate or user-1 in private group, but NOT user-6) and in the group you are the owner of only add and remove users:

    • using Edit group window (Web only - right-click onto your name in top right corner and go User settings > My Groups > Edit) [AdminGrUsEd003]

    • using Edit group membership from right-click menu (Insight only) [AdminGrUsEd004]

    • using Copy/Cut and Paste from main menu (Insight only)

    • using Copy/Cut and Paste via icons & right-click (Insight only)

    • using Drag & Drop (Insight only)

    • Check the users have been added/removed to/from the groups

    • Check that you cannot Create new user in Insight (right-click menu item is greyed out)

    • Check that when a user is a member of only one group, you cannot remove him/her from this group

    • (Insight only) Check that you can Edit only the Default group of other users, but not their credentials, login names or anything else.

  6. (Web only) Checking disk usage.

    • login as admin and go to the Admin tab.

    • Select the Statistics tab.

    • Check that you can see a pie chart with the breakdown of the usage of the disk by groups and also the usage in tabular form below it [AdminGrUsEd008:]

    • Check that you can click onto the pie chart which brings you to a similar breakdown of usage for the particular entity you clicked onto.

    • logout

    • login as a group owner of multiple groups

    • click onto your name in top right corner of the Web UI and select User settings

    • click onto the Statistics tab.

    • Check that you can see a pie chart with the breakdown of the usage of the disk by groups and also the usage in tabular form below it [AdminGrUsEd008:]

    • Check that you can click onto the pie chart which brings you to a similar breakdown of usage for the particular entity you clicked onto.










Edit Users dialog:

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