58. User/Group Manipulation

To test in: Web (Section 2), Insight (Section 1, 2)

Purpose of the test is to check the viewing/display of groups/users and their data

Section 1: User Display (Insight only)

  1. Switch to “User Display” in the main menu. Go to View ‣ User Display [UserGroupM001b].

  2. Add several groups to the display. Switch between groups. [UserGroupM001][UserGroupM002][UserGroupM003]

  3. Add several users to the display [UserGroupM002][UserGroupM005].

  4. Use Show all users option.

  5. Switch between users.

  6. Browse the user’s data - go to the tree in left-hand pane, expand projects and datasets, view images. Go to the Screens harmonica and browse screens. [UserGroupM005bi].

  7. Use Remove User command to remove users from display and Refresh User command to refresh the user on display.(Insight only) - use right-click [UserGroupM004]

  8. Remove groups from display.

  9. Check that you can see the owner of the object in the right-hand pane [UserGroupM008i][UserGroupM008w].

  10. Check that you can see other users’ data (P/D/I/S/Plate/Plate Run) in the group on display as appropriate according to your permissions.

  11. Check that you can see annotations on other users’ objects (P/D/I/S/Plate/Plate Run) as appropriate [UserGroupM009w]..

  12. (Not to do during permissions testing). Log off and log in as a new user. Bear in mind the danger of clashes with other testers when picking a new username.

    • Check that you can browse data

    • Check that you can view images.

Section 2: Group Display (Web, Insight)

Note that at the moment, the Group Display menu is “old style”. The new design has been implemented only to User Display by now.

  1. Switch to Group Display in the main menu. Go View > Group Display [UserGroupM001c:] (Insight). In Web, click on a group name in the top-left corner and choose All members [UserGroupM006w].

  2. Put several groups to display (Insight only) [UserGroupM006i].

  3. Switch between groups [UserGroupM006i] (Insight only), put them on/off display.

  4. Browse your and other users’ data - go to the tree in left-hand pane, expand projects and datasets, view images. Go to the Screens harmonica (Insight) or to the bottom of the tree (Web) and browse screens [UserGroupM007i].

  5. Check that you can see the owner of the object in the right-hand pane [UserGroupM008i][UserGroupM008w].

  6. Check that you can see other users’ data (P/D/I/S/Plate/Plate Run) in the group on display as appropriate according to your permissions.

  7. Check that you can see annotations on other users’ objects (P/D/I/S/Plate/Plate Run) as appropriate according to your permissions [UserGroupM009w].



























