33. Memo file

To test in: Insight, Server logs

Purpose of the test is to check that the memo file has been created and revisited when images are imported/viewed.

  1. Import a file, e.g .nd2

    • Check that in the Blitz-0.log there is a line such as

      2014-08-01 15:32:49,004 DEBUG [loci.formats.Memoizer] (2-thread-3) saved memo file: /repositories/OMERO-5.0-merge-integration/BioFormatsCache/repositories/OMERO-5.0-merge-integration/ManagedRepository/root_0/2014-08/01/15-32-48.427/.test.fake.bfmemo (22873 bytes)

      which appears the first time the server calls the setID() method.

  2. Try to open the file you imported in the viewer.

    • Check that the Blitz-0.log shows a line such as

      2014-08-01 15:32:49,888 DEBUG [loci.formats.Memoizer] (Server-155) loaded memo file: /repositories/OMERO-5.0-merge-integration/BioFormatsCache/repositories/OMERO-5.0-merge-integration/ManagedRepository/root_0/2014-08/01/15-32-48.427/.test.fake.bfmemo (22873 bytes)

      for every time you open the image.