10. Command line interface testing
To test in: Command line interface
Purpose of the test is to check the general CLI functionality
[Updated for 4.3.2]
Pre-requisites for this test:
Run the following as root user from python dist/bin/omero to setup a new user account and group
omero login -s $OMERO_HOST -p $ROUTER -u root -w ome
omero group add web_group –perms=rwrw– | | echo “Web Group already exists?”
omero user add web_user Web User web_group –userpassword abc | | echo “Web User already exists?”
omero logout
omero config set omero.web.database_engine ‘sqlite3’
omero config set omero.web.server_list ‘’$OMERO_HOST’”, ‘$ROUTER’, “omero?’
omero config set omero.web.debug True
omero web unittest –config=$ICE_CONFIG –test=webadmin
Confirmation of the technical setup
bin/omero config set omero.web.database_engine sqlite3
$ bin/omero web unittest –test=webadmin –config=[Ice location] ice.config
PATH to ice.config
Command line tests
Move to
cd omero
bin/omero -h
Config test
$ bin/omero config def
Returns = default
$ bin/omero config get
Returns =
$ bin/omero config set example “my first value”
$ bin/omero config get
Returns = example=my first value
User Test
$ bin/omero import
testing the full set of option with bin/omero user these are:
Web cmd test
For each test run bin/omero web with the additional command.
Start - the OMERO.web server
Run the command status and confirm the status of the web server has started.
Run the command config and confirm a output config template for server
Run the command gateway and execute the code below (See omerodoc:PythonClientBeginners <developers/Python.html> for additional information.)
from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway conn = BlitzGateway("USER", "PASSWORD", host="SERVER_YOU_WANT_TO_TEST", port=4064) conn.connect() for p in conn.listProjects( print p.getName() for dataset in p.listChildren( print " ", dataset.getName()
Run the command stop
Run the command config and confirm the status of the web server has stopped.
Shell cmd test
Run bin/omero shell to start IPython
ensure IPython starts.
Once in execute the following commands ensuring they return the correct information.
import Ice
import omero
omero.model.ImageI() [This command imports an image]
client.sf.getAdminContext().getEventContext() [The expected output of this command is the return of the current login info]
Group cmd test
For each test run bin/omero group with the additional command.
Run the command add private cmdtest
Run the command list and view the current groups
Run the command insert and ensure the user is added to the group