Python development

Release process

Prior to release a new version, the maintainer:
  • can create a GitHub project and/or milestone if required listing the PRs to be considered in the upcoming release (optional)

  • must create an entry in the CHANGELOG: PRs included in the release should be listed in the CHANGELOG with a link to the PR.

  • must have the ability to push the generated tag to origin.

Many OME repositories use bump2version to manage version numbers. These can be identified by the presence of a .bumpversion.cfg file at the top of the repository.

First fetch and checkout master or main branch:

$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout master
$ git rebase origin/master

You will need to be able to sign commits with gpg. Test this with:

$ echo "test" | gpg --clearsign

Compare the current version in .bumpversion.cfg with the last release version to see if the current difference represents a patch release. If any PRs are merged that would require the next release to be a major or minor version (see then that PR can include a version bump created via:

$ bumpversion --no-tag minor|major

If this hasn’t been performed prior to release and you wish to specify the next version number directly when creating the release, this can be achieved with:

$ bumpversion --new-version 5.9.0 release

If the version is already suitable, simply run:

$ bumpversion release

This will remove the .dev0 suffix from the current version, commit, and tag the release.

To switch back to a development version run:

$ bumpversion --no-tag patch

NB: this assumes next release will be a patch (see below). To complete the release, push the master branch and the release tag to origin:

$ git push origin master v5.8.0

Publishing to Pypi

Many of the OME Python repositories use GitHub actions to publish to Pypi when a new tag is created and pushed to GitHub. This is typically specified in a file such as .github/workflows/publish_pypi.yml.